0.25mm Thin Speaker Soon Become Reality

Imagine you hear some nice music but you absolutely has no idea where the sound comes from!

This ground breaking speaker technology has been developed by University of Warwick engineers which is less than 0.25mm thick. Its particular method of sound generation produces sound which clearer, crisper, and easier to hear.

The speaker is lightweight and inexpensive to manufacture. It could be concealed inside ceiling tiles or car interiors, or printed with a design and hung on the wall like a picture.
The project is pioneered by University of Warwick spin-out company, Warwick Audio Technologies. It is ideal for public spaces where it delivers planar directional sound waves, which project further than sound from conventional speakers.

Warwick Audio Technology’s FFL technology is a carefully designed assembly of thin, conducting and insulating, materials resulting in the development of a flexible laminate, which when excited by an electrical signal will vibrate and produce sound.

The speaker laminate operates as a perfect piston resonator. The entire diaphragm therefore radiates in phase, forming an area source. The wave front emitted by the vibrating surface is phase coherent, producing a plane wave with very high directivity and very accurate sound imaging.

The company is currently in negotiations with a number of commercial partners. The first commercial product is expected to be launched later this year.

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