Sony has just released a new gadget that is sure to get the ladies going ga-ga: pink/silver headphones with built-in MP3 player. Apart from the color, the Sony W-Series Walkman will give Apple’s iPod Shuffle some stiff competition. The W-Series Walkman has a built-in memory of 2GB and 12 hours of battery life. It supports MP3, WMA, AAC, and WAV file playback. A notable feature includes a Zappin function that allows users to browse through tracks quickly by playing snippets of songs. As the MP3 player is built into the headphones, the device is highly portable and lends itself naturally to an active lifestyle. For $69, the Sony W-Series Walkman should be value for money. Besides pretty pink for the ladies, the headphones-cum-MP3 player also comes in masculine black/silver.
Sony W-Series Walkman: for the Ladies
Sony has just released a new gadget that is sure to get the ladies going ga-ga: pink/silver headphones with built-in MP3 player. Apart from the color, the Sony W-Series Walkman will give Apple’s iPod Shuffle some stiff competition. The W-Series Walkman has a built-in memory of 2GB and 12 hours of battery life. It supports MP3, WMA, AAC, and WAV file playback. A notable feature includes a Zappin function that allows users to browse through tracks quickly by playing snippets of songs. As the MP3 player is built into the headphones, the device is highly portable and lends itself naturally to an active lifestyle. For $69, the Sony W-Series Walkman should be value for money. Besides pretty pink for the ladies, the headphones-cum-MP3 player also comes in masculine black/silver.