New SanDisk SD WORM (Write Once Read Many) Card Offering Up To 100-year

The inventor and world’s largest supplier of flash storage cards, SanDisk has announced a new and innovative Write Once Read Many (WORM) digital memory card intended for professional uses, dubbed as SanDisk SD WORM card. As its name implied, data files written to SanDisk SD “Write Once” card is effectively protected from alteration or deletion as soon as it is recorded, retaining data for as long as 100 years.

As digital media volume has grown and surpassed traditional analog media such as film and audio cassettes in the consumer market, law enforcement agencies and other professionals are facing rising costs and lack of supply, said Christopher Moore, director of product marketing for OEM memory cards at SanDisk. “SanDisk’s new SD WORM cards offer professionals a one-stop solution for capturing and archiving critical data, along with many other benefits of moving from analog to digital.”

Applications For SanDisk SD WORM Card Include:
Police photography and witness/suspect interviews, where courts require proof that photos and audio recordings are genuine.
Court proceedings, such as trials and depositions.
Electronic voting, where recorded votes must be tamper-proof.
Cash registers which record transactions for tax collection purposes.
Event recorders, such as security cameras and “black box” flight-data recorders.
Medical devices which retain individual patient treatment data.
Personal digital assistants (PDAs) and similar devices used by physicians and other health-care professionals to track patient interactions.

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